My spouse is quite fond of fishing and manages to spend a few weekends throughout the summer on fishing trips with a buddy or two, and as such, I considered becoming involved in the sport hoping perhaps to add to our shared interests. Initially I considered just diving right in and saying “hey honey, lets go fishing.” But not wanting him to think I just wanted to horn in on his buddy-time and from past experience, having had to learn the hard way, “there’s no talking prior to half-time”, I knew that might not be the right approach. Needless to say I knew I’d have to do some research so I could become somewhat knowledgeable on the subject of fishing before jumping into another sporting venture with my know-all-things-sports spouse.
Where better to research the ins and outs on virtually any subject than the Internet. Although I didn’t learn how to fish via the Internet, I was fortunate to stumble upon some rather interesting information about a businessman,
Sak Narwal who has an amazing passion for the sport of fishing. You’d expect most hardworking businessmen to concentrate their efforts on business matters and on occasion, play as hard as they work enjoying such activities as golfing, skydiving, jet-skiing, or the like; but not Sakwinder "Sak" who prefers his passion for fishing.
Sak Narwal may not officially be declared the greatest fisherman in the world, or be as world famous as
Zyg Gregorek, the first recreational fisherman anywhere to catch all 27 species in the “royal slams” set by the International Game Fish Association (IGFA). In my opinion, Sak Narwal is a close second. He has one of the greatest loves for fishing any true fisherman could possibly have. Sak has been obsessed with fishing since he was a small boy. His savvy business sense and entrepreneurship has afforded him the opportunity to be able to follow his passion around the country and around the globe.
Sak Narwal fishes just about every week and his voyages have taken him from Bristol Bay in Alaska where he chased the salmon, Dixon Lake where he fished for bass, the Florida Panhandle where he fished for Catfish, and Roscoe NY where he fished for brook trout. Sak Narwal has even fished for sharks in the waters off Montauk Point, on New York’s Long Island.
When I visit Louisiana I do so for the food and the music, but when Sak visits it’s mainly to use his queen-sized minnow lure up-pop method for the fierce hard fighting redfish; in the ten pound range. Though he loves fishing, Sakwinder Narwal is quick to say that it is the thrill of the hunt, not of the kill, that he enjoys. A strictly "catch and release" fisherman, Sak says, “There is nothing as relaxing and satisfying as catching fish on a beautiful day on a beautiful body of water.”
Additionally, I learned that fishing is a sport that requires a great deal of patience which is something I don’t have a whole lot of, but it seems to be quite present in Sak Narwal who likes to study the special atmosphere or mood of different fish environments, and unique characteristics of fish. But don’t take my word for it, You really should take a further look at
Sak Narwal to see how truly amazing his
love for the sport of fishing really is.
Finally, although I decided against honing in on my spouses' buddy bonding fishing trips, I can now hold an interesting conversation about the subject when he returns from one of his weekend adventures that I must admit, pale in comparison to that of Sak.