Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Unofficial Greatest Fisherman – Sakwinder Narwal

image Some do it as a necessity to feed their families; others do it to feed their hunger  for the sport of it, either way, no one knows better than Sakwinder Narwal, a successful businessman and entrepreneur about feeding his hunger for the dedicated passion he has for the sport of fishing. Sakwinder is more dedicated to fishing than some spouses are to one another. He’s even been known to make his own fishing pole on the rare occasion he’s found himself without one of his own many poles.

Sakwinder Narwal may not have been officially declared the greatest fisherman in the world, nor is he as world famous as Zyg Gregorek, the first recreational fisherman anywhere to catch all 27 species in the “royal slams” set by the International Game Fish Association (IGFA).  But most sports enthusiast will agree, Sak Narwal comes in as a close second.  Sakwinder Narwal has one of the greatest loves for fishing any true fisherman could possibly have.  Sak has been obsessed with fishing since he was a small boy.  As busy as he is with his many business endeavors, Sakwinder Narwal makes the time to fish just about every week and his voyages have taken him from Bristol Bay in Alaska where he chased the salmon, Dixon Lake where he fished for bass, the Florida Panhandle where he fished for Catfish, and Roscoe NY where he fished for brook trout.  Sak Narwal has even fished for sharks in the waters off Montauk Point, on New York’s Long Island.

Though he loves fishing, Sakwinder Narwal is quick to say that it is the thrill of the hunt, not of the kill, that he enjoys.  A strictly “catch and release” fisherman, Sak says, “There is nothing as relaxing and satisfying as catching fish on a beautiful day on a beautiful body of water.”


  1. Very informative. I enjoyed it.

  2. Thank you Lita.Fran for stopping by and sharing your comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.
    Be certain to check out some of the other posts here, and do feel free to make topic suggestions.
    Again, thank you and hope you come back.
